Embracing neurodiversity:
a faster journey to understanding

Who are you?

No more

Psychiatric disorders frequently exhibit overlapping symptoms, which can vary throughout one’s lifetime and in response to external factors. This often results in misdiagnoses and/or delayed diagnoses. QuantaBrain introduces a diagnostic approach based on quantitative biomarkers, ensuring objectivity and reducing diagnostic errors.

You’re unique
– identify your treatment

While lithium is commonly recommended as a first-line treatment for bipolar disorders, only 30% of patients respond positively to it. For the remaining 70%, finding the appropriate treatment often involves trial and error. The same happens for most mental issues. In contrast, QuantaBrain tailors treatment recommendations based on your individual neurobiological characteristics.

Rapid examination,
instantaneous results

Our algorithms can diagnose a range of disorders with just a 1-minute MRI scan. Shortly after the examination, your physician can produce a comprehensive report, including an analysis of your brain’s functional characteristics contributing to the diagnosis, the likelihood of associated comorbidities, and personalized treatment recommendations.

How does it work?

Sign up on our website and upload your resting-state functional MRI examination and get the report. Remember, the MRI procedure involves a mere 1-minute period of lying still in the scanner, without the need for sedation or contrast agents.
Please note that the product(s) described on this website may not be available in your country or are available with different specifications. Contact us for actual product configurations available to you.

No more misdiagnoses

Psychiatric disorders frequently exhibit overlapping symptoms, which can vary throughout one’s lifetime and in response to external factors. This often results in misdiagnoses and/or delayed diagnoses. QuantaBrain introduces a diagnostic approach based on quantitative biomarkers, ensuring objectivity and reducing diagnostic errors.

Rapid examination,
instantaneous results

Our algorithms can diagnose a range of disorders with just a 1-minute MRI scan. Shortly after the examination, your physician can produce a comprehensive report, including an analysis of your brain’s functional characteristics contributing to the diagnosis, an assessment of severity, the likelihood of associated comorbidities, and personalized treatment recommendations.

You’re unique – identify your treatment

While lithium is commonly recommended as a first-line treatment for bipolar disorders, only 30% of patients respond positively to it. For the remaining 70%, finding the appropriate treatment often involves trial and error. The same happens for most mental issues. In contrast, QuantaBrain tailors treatment recommendations based on your individual neurobiological characteristics.

How does it work?

Sign up on our website and upload your resting-state functional MRI examination and get the report. Remember, the MRI procedure involves a mere 1-minute period of lying still in the scanner, without the need for sedation or contrast agents.
Please note that the product(s) described on this website may not be available in your country or are available with different specifications. Contact us for actual product configurations available to you.